Die Schweizer Tanz- und Theaterschaffende erhielt ihre Ausbildung in Tanz Theater, Choreographie und dance science am Laban Centre und an der City University in London. Nach ihrem Abschluss im Jahr 2002 tanzte sie unter anderem für die Cie. Hideto Heshiki, Cie. Philippe Saire, Cie. Estelle Héritier, Piccoli Production und die Kompanie des Stadttheater St. Gallen. Seit 2006 erarbeitet sie eigene choreografische Arbeiten, die in der Schweiz und im Ausland gesehen werden können. Jessica gleitet zwischen den Performance-Welten vor- und zurück und ist seit 2006 auch Teil des Zürcher Performance Kollektivs mercimax. In den Jahren 2010 und 2015 bekam sie den Anerkennungspreis Tanz der Stadt Zürich und 2012 zusammen mit mercimaxden Anerkennungspreis Theater für die „Gegenüberstellungs-Serie“.
Jessica kollaboriert immer wieder als künstlerische Begleitung (oder auch Dramaturgin) oder als Performerin mit anderen Künstlern und Gruppen. Seit 2016 arbeitet sie mit britischen Künstler und Aktivisten James Leadbitter aka the vacuum cleaner an einem Langzeitprojekt mit dem Titel „the art of a culture of hope“, welches durch Europa reist.
Jessica gibt regelmässig Workshops an sozialen Einrichtungen mit Kindern, Jugendlichen, Erwachsenen und ist 2017/2018 als Gast-Dozentin am Hyperwerk (Kunsthochschule Nordwest Schweiz, Abteilung Post-Industrial-Design) tätig.
works as an artist in the field of the performing arts and is a founding member of mercimax (since 2005), a theatre group and performance installation collective, based in Zürich. She has recently been collaborating with Alexandre Doublet, Ant Hampton, Robert Steijn, Géraldine Chollet and Laurent Kropf and has been showing her own work since 2006. Although most of her early pieces have been dance pieces, her recent work and the forms and formats she chooses, have become more diverse. As a performer she has worked with companies such as the Stadttheater St Gallen, Cie. Estelle Héritier, Cie. Hideto Heshiki, Cie. Philippe Saire and PiccoliProduction. She graduated with a BA (Hons) in Dance Theatre, Dance Science and Choreography from the Laban Centre London and the City University of London.
Currently she is collaborating with James Leadbitter aka the vacuum cleaner on the "longterm" project: "the art of a culture of hope".
Jessica works with curiosity and has a special interest in the texture of relationships and in how we function as individuals in society. She regularly gives Workshops to professionals and non-professionals (different social groups) and has created dance pieces with elderly people. She deeply enjoys diversity and is fascinated by the many possible aesthetics of exchange. In her work with mercimax she has been regularly working with non-professionals (in the sense of not having any stage experience) as the work has often had a documentary quality to it.
2017/2018 she is a guest teacher and tutor at "hyperwerk Basel" (center for studies in post-industrial design at the University of the arts in Basel - CH).
In 2010 she was awarded the “Anerkennungspreis Tanz” of the City of Zürich; 2012/13 the Berlin residency/atelier scholarship provided by the Canton of Zurich. Together with the theatre collective mercimax she was awarded the Cultural Theatre Prize of the City of Zurich 2012 (for the Gegenüberstellungs-series). mercimax used the prize (money) to travel to Beijing and do research for their latest piece Autoballett. 2016 j & j were awarded the “Anerkennungspreis Tanz” of the City of Zürich for their research around "the archive of hope & fear".
Jessica is Young Associated Artist at Gessnerallee Zürich 2015/2016 and supported by Migros-Kulturprozent/Prärie (2015-2017).